Emergency Preparedness

By Ashley Aiton

A Malay Proverb states “Prepare the Umbrella before it rains”. With the world constantly changing, natural disasters are becoming ever more prevalent. We as a community must learn to be more prepared. We have so many resources at the tip of our fingers that we have no excuses not to be prepared. We have all seen how quickly disaster can strike after the events in Yellowstone  this past week. We must step back and look at how we can prepare ourselves and our families.

           The first steps are to consider the potential disasters that could come from your surrounding areas. Then preparing for each of these disasters. Preparation could include…

1.   Discussing with family members about emergency exit plans

2.   Discussing emergencies where it is better to stay put

3.   Discussing potential meet up points if becoming separated

4.   Preparing a to go bag/ 72 hour kit (Make sure to consider your family’s needs specifically and address those needs by backing a to go bag that meets them)

5.   Putting together a first aid kit (explaining to each individual in the family how to correctly use medications that could be stored inside)

6.   Make house preparations/updates in order to mitigate potential damage to home

7.   Having cash on hand

8.   Always have at least a half tank of gas in case of needing to make an escape

These are all things to take into consideration when preparing for a potential disaster. These preparations do not have to be stressful. You can turn them into a fun family event. These preparations are positive because they can help alleviate stress. Preparation can help us avoid the fear that comes from natural disasters.

    If you are unsure where to start then we are inviting everyone to attend our Emergency Preparedness class at the clinic this month. We will be teaching them where to begin and how to prepare for the disasters in our area. The community class will be held at the clinic on the 28th of June. We hope to see you there!


Rexburg Free Clinic

 (208) 716-8723

Free Clinic Intern