
We rely on volunteers to help our agency deliver high-quality care. If you are interested in helping others, improving the health of our community, and have a few hours a month to donate we want to hear from you!! All skills are needed and encouraged; from providers to clerical staff!! We also need volunteers to help make the clinic as clean and inviting as possible!

The Rexburg Free Clinic is always looking for volunteers! Whether it be general help, medical providers, or other professional skills fill out our form to let us know how you are willing to help!!

Volunteer Form

Rexburg Free Clinic Policies, Procedures and Bylaws

A Letter From One of Our Founders

On behalf of the entire Rexburg Free Clinic, I wanted to personally thank you for your important contribution, precious time, and your volunteer services to the clinic. This free clinic would not be where it is today without your contribution. Your willingness to use your gifts and abilities has reinforced the mission of the Rexburg Free Clinic; to strengthen individuals and families in our community by promoting health and wellness through providing free, high-quality primary care, and preventive medical services to an underserved population in the Upper Valley. 

I thank you for your service in the past and continuing service that you render for the clinic and overall wellbeing of our community.

Much appreciation,

Greg Klingler